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Judicial protection in EU cross-border evidence gathering: workshop presentations
Panel I: Structures of Judicial Scrutiny between Autonomous Concepts and Procedural Autonomy
Effective judicial protection after Gavanozov II
Lack of legal remedy regarding the investigative measure carried out under the EIO in the context of effective judicial protection in national law
Judicial independence and effective judicial protection in cross-border evidence gathering
Panel III: Evidence Gathering between Police Lawful Decryption and Police Hacking
EncroChat between legal decryption and police hacking
Verification in the issuing state of evidence obtained on the basis of an EIO
EncroChat cases in Sweden and the non-references for preliminary rulings
EncroChat cases in Germany and the reference for preliminary ruling
Panel II: Judicial Protection in and Beyond Mutual Recognition: EIO vs EPPO
Scope of judicial review in the executing MS in EIO proceedings
Cooperation of Poland with EPPO in evidence taking
Cross-border gathering of evidence under the EPPO Regulation – missing EU regulation?
Cross-border evidence gathering under art. 31 EPPO Regulation
Panel IV: The New E-evidence Package: New Frontier of (Mutual) Trust?
New EU e-evidence system as a new step in mutual recognition - legal issues and defence rights
Gathering e-evidence under the new EPO-mechanism. Whose Rights and Whose Responsibilities?
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